A & D Treatment:
Cornerstone (865) 970-7747
McNabb Center (865) 681-6990
Crisis Response:
Child Abuse (865) 981-2000
Domestic Violence (865) 982-1087
Elder Abuse (865) 983-8411
Sexual Abuse (865) 522-7273
Suicide Hotline (865) 539-2409
Emergency Assistance:
Homeless (865) 606-0714
Good Neighbors (865) 681-5420
Legal Aid of E. TN (865) 981-1818
Salvation Army (865) 983-7135
Veterans Assist. (865) 273-5760
Emotional Health/Support:
Celebrate Recovery (865) 982-1273
COMPASSion (865) 724-2325
Food Pantries:
Chilhowee Baptist (865) 981-2992
Church of the Cove (865) 448-1929
Comm. Food Conn. (865) 977-4400
God’s Kitchen (865) 221-2125
Hot Meals:
Church of the Cove (865) 448-1929
God’s Kitchen (865) 221-2125
Salvation Army (865) 983-7135
211 East Tennessee (Confidential Information & Referral Services):
Dial 211 or (865) 215-4211