The Permits and Inspection Department will strive to assist you with your construction project in an efficient and timely manner. Both positions are part-time and have set office hours each week. If you need to meet outside of their designated office hours, please call them to schedule an appointment.
The Building Inspector assists residents, businesses, and property owners with application and permitting processes and performs initial review of site plans for construction.
The Building Inspector is responsible for issuing permits and conducting inspections for all construction-related permits.  The Building Inspector also issues Certificates of Occupancy and Special Event permits.
For questions or assistance relating to building and construction, please contact the City Building Inspector.
City Building Inspector 
Doug Blair
P.O. Box 307
123 Tiger Dr.
Townsend, TN 37882
Office: 865-448-6886
Cell: 865-659-3305
Fax: 865-448-9286
Office Hours: Thursday 3pm – 7 pm
The Codes Enforcement Officer serves to enforce municipal codes and ordinances.
City Codes Enforcement Officer
Tim Ogle
P.O. Box 307
123 Tiger Dr.
Townsend, TN 37882
Office: 865-448-6886
Cell: (coming soon)
Fax: 865-448-9286
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 8am to 12 pm
Permits and Applications

Townsend Commercial Building Permit

 Townsend Residential Building Permit

Townsend Sign Permit

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